Angela Ribeiro


Project Description

Acted in the films “Corações Sujos” directed by Vicente Amorim, “Caju com pizza” directed by Francisco Ramalho, “Do lado de fora” directed by Alexandre Carvalho and ” A grávida da cinemateca” directed by Christian Saghaard; in the series “Vida de estágiario” showed on Canal Brasil and “Psi” showed on HBO and in the short-films “Ressaca” directed by Mabel Lopes and ” O amor nao ousa dizer seu nome” directed by Bárbara Roma, which was awarded in the Kinoforum 2013. Played the lead character in the short-film “Sophia- AP43” directed by Alexandre Carvalho. Acted in the play “Kaspar” with the Satirus Group, directed by Rodolfo Vasquez and also participated in the  “Gupo de Pesquisa Teatral” -Theatre Research Group- coordinated by Antunes Filho. (Sobrenome) has been in the theatre group Cia Bruta de Arte, since 2005, where * acted in the plays “Vestir o corpo de espinhos” directed by Alberto Guzik and in “El Truco”, “Cine Belvedere” and “Máquina de dar certo” directed by Roberto Audio. Graduated by USP’s Dramatic Art School where the group Ordinária Companhia emerged and was directed by Bete Dorgam, Luiz Damasceno, Mirian Rinaldi, Isabel Setti, Rogério Toscano, Georgette Fadel and José Fernando Azevedo. Currently also takes part of SESI’s Dramaturgy Nucleus. Nominated for best comedy actress in the Rio webfest 2015 for CC Bloom.



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