• AP43 on the show Espaço Mix, on Mega TV (09/12/2014)

    The show “Espaço Mix”, on Mega TV visits the AP43 and interviews the creator and executive director  Nara Sakarê.
  • Veja São Paulo

    Revista Veja A Studio-Apartment at Itaim[1] – São Paulo A 120m2 apartment at Pedroso Alvarenga Street in Itaim, for two years has been functioning as an experimentation location for a cinema research group called AP43[2]. The place, and its surroundings, is used by about twenty professionals of the field, as actors, photographers, screenwriters and directors […]
    Veja São Paulo
  • AP43 recebe Di Moretti

    Ontem, o AP43 recebeu a visita do Di Moretti para bater um papo com Nara Sakarê sobre o trabalho do roteirista no cinema. Estiveram presentes também as atrizes do AP43 Fernanda Viacava e Juliana Lourenção.
    AP43 recebe Di Moretti
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